天文学7 /7 - 7/11




This program is aimed at high school students in grades 11 through 12 who love astronomy. The program will use various telescopes ranging in light gathering power with mirrors from 8 to 32-inches in diameter. Stull天文台具有成像和光谱功能. Various hands-on learning activities will be held along with some basic astronomy instruction. 物理和天文学院, 还有一些在这个领域工作的校友, 将领导各种天文学主题的活动和演讲. 如果天气允许的话, students will get to observe the dark night skies of Alfred with the telescopes and enjoy stunning views of the Milky Way. There may also be some night-time data collection and imaging allowing students to have more hands-on experiences with real data collection.

学费,吃饭 & 住房:
住宿学院费用:900美元. 这个价格包括学费、材料费、餐费和住宿费. 所有的食宿都将在在线赌博校园内进行.

This popular program is directed and taught by the Alfred University 物理 and 天文学 faculty, 都是各自领域公认的专家, 还有其他项目的博士专家. 该研究所最近代表的专业领域包括变星, 小行星, 太阳活动, 量子和引力科学, 流体动力学, 太阳系外行星和行星科学.

The program is conducted in the AU 科学中心 and at the 横梁天文台 on the Alfred University Campus. This facility has been judged to be one of the best teaching observatories in the country and is equipped with telescopes ranging from 8 to 32 inches in diameter as well as professional digital cameras and spectrograph.

The number of participants is kept small (35) to allow for individualized attention and optimal use of the observatory's telescopes and other equipment.

Participants enjoy a mix of night and daytime activities involving extensive use of the observatory's telescopes and equipment. 会议将涵盖以下主题:

  • Astronomical Basics - Sky motions, telescope construction and use, electronic imaging
  • Variable Star Photometry - measurements of fluctuations in brightness of stars undergoing violent processes
  • Asteroid Astrometry and Photometry - Measurement of the positions and motions of 小行星, 包括那些靠近地球的
  • 星云、星团和星系的天文成像
  • 太阳活动的观测与分析
  • 成像和月球/太阳系研究
  • 月球与行星科学
  • 恒星的形成和演化
  • 银河结构
  • 相对论
  • 黑洞
  • 宇宙学
  • 光谱学

参加者必须在下午两点至四点之间到达.m. 于周日登记,并于周四午餐后离开. During the week they will attend classes during the day and have fun participating in planned recreational activities on and off campus in the evening.

进一步的信息, 包括详细的节目安排和开车去学校的路线, 录取后会发给所有学生吗. 注意:艾尔弗雷德七月的天气通常很好, we cannot guarantee clear skies and there will be no refunds due to weather conditions.

Dr. 约书亚 托马斯。他是非洲大学物理学和天文学教授. 关于学术内容的问题可以直接问他.

这个学院可以获得经济援助. 在下面的部分中了解更多信息.


  • 按金(以网上申请表格缴付)
  • A one-p年龄 essay telling us why you would like to attend (in your own words and signed)
  • 如果你正在申请奖学金(见上文“经济援助”), 这篇文章必须在申请提交时收到

欲了解更多信息,请联系暑期课程办公室 607-871-2122. 有关课程内容的具体信息请联系 Dr. 约书亚·托马斯,项目主管 607-871-2842.

The Director will review all completed applications and determine which participants are accepted. 接受/不接受通知将通过电子邮件提供. 如果你需要更早的决定, 请在你的申请表中注明这一点. 在篇幅允许的情况下,申请将被考虑.

Once participants are accepted they will be reminded by email from CampDocs to complete the required documents (parental permissions to attend as well as health records). 届时还需要提供最新的免疫信息(包括日期). (如果您手头没有最新的免疫信息, 你可能想从你的医生那里获得这个,以避免处理延误.)

当学生不在教室的时候, they are supervised by our wonderful team of Counselors who are specially trained to serve as positive role models, 导师和朋友. 为了确保每个人都有安全, 健康和愉快的校园时光, 暑期学生应遵守学校的规定 暑期课程的规章制度.


  • 第一天的破冰游戏帮助大家互相了解
  • 非盟内文斯剧院的电影
  • 去附近的湖边野餐和篝火
  • 户外游戏如“夺旗”及“极限飞盘”
  • Indoor games such as "Who Wants to be a Millionaire," ping pong, board games, basketball, etc.
  • 在“骑士俱乐部”有茶点和音乐的社交聚会
  • 在当地的咖啡馆放松和社交
  • 最后一晚的告别派对

Participants stay in secure University residence halls dedicated to summer institutes (2 per room) and must bring their own pillows and blankets. 酒店将提供床上/浴室用品, but they can also bring their own (bed linens must fit the extra-long twin residence hall beds). 洗衣设施免费提供. 男性和女性住在不同的楼层. 我们的辅导员会一直在学生宿舍.

Delicious, all-you-can-eat, cafeteria-style meals are served in our campus dining hall. Our 餐厅 Services chefs do an excellent job in accommodating participants with food allergies and other special requirements.

多亏了一位匿名捐赠者的慷慨解囊, a scholarship is being offered to an under-represented minority with a proven financial need. 应用, applicants must submit an additional one-p年龄 essay indicating how this scholarship will benefit them and showing financial need. 请注意:押金将退还给奖学金获得者. 问题 with regard to this new process can be directed to the Office of 夏天 项目: 607-871-2122.

“四颗星和两个大拇指! 我在阿尔弗雷德的暑期项目的经历是一段不会很快被忘记的经历. 这是一个认识智慧的机会, beautiful kids my 年龄 from around the country and build great friendships with them. 这是一个和有趣的教授一起工作的机会, 过了几天, 你认为我们是朋友, 太. 服务很好,员工很棒,还有很多东西要学. 我向你们所有人推荐它!——Neyshmi M.兰开斯特,宾夕法尼亚州

“今年夏天在学院学习是一次很棒的经历. I had a chance to learn more about astronomy and to meet people that don't live in the City. 我喜欢有机会使用天文台的望远镜.——卡门·E.,纽约,纽约州

“我玩得很开心! 我从来不知道天文学会这么有趣. 我交了一些朋友,我们现在还保持着联系. 明年我一定会再来参加天文营的!!——詹姆斯·W.奥登,纽约州

“我很喜欢这个夏天参加这个项目. 和一群有趣的人住在校园里真是太好了. 我惊讶于我在那里学到了这么多. 如果可以,我一定会再来的.——约翰·N.埃利科特维尔,纽约州

“我非常喜欢这个项目, 绝对值得从新西兰远道而来参加. 我发现天文台的设施非常好. 这一点以及出色的员工和其他学生使这个项目令人难忘.——本·A.基督城,新西兰

“我玩得很开心. 我不想离开!——艾米丽·W.,洛基山,康涅狄格州



“我喜欢天文台. 学院坐落在一个非常美丽的地方. 我说过我爱天文台吗?!——Sneha R.,森林山,纽约

“我真的很喜欢使用望远镜以及各种各样的课程和讲座. 我觉得每件事都很有见地,很有趣. 所有的一切合在一起构成了一次非常愉快的经历.——苏菲·G.Hinckley, OH


"The institute helped me understand mysterious components of the Universe in an enjoyable way.——贝琪·N.纽约东奥罗拉


Alfred University is located in the peaceful vill年龄 of Alfred in Western New York State, 哪里夏天白天温暖,夜晚凉爽舒适. 四周环绕着连绵起伏的丘陵、美丽的草地和山谷, Alfred University is the perfect place to spend an enjoyable week learning more about your favorite subject and meeting other students who share your passion for astronomy!

校园, 距离纽约6小时车程, 离布法罗2小时,离罗切斯特11 /4小时, is easily accessible by car or bus from all directions and is located just five miles south of Interstate 86. The nearest major airport is the Rochester International Airport (about 65 miles north). Transportation to and from that airport can be provided for an additional charge if we receive your request by the date indicated in your acceptance notification. After that date students must make their own arrangements with an airport limo service.

The University may cancel any course or activity at any time because of insufficient enrollment or other unforeseen circumstances. 如果一个节目被取消或推迟, 大学将退还注册费, 但不能承担其他费用, 指控, 或费用, 包括航空公司或旅行社评估的取消/更改费用.

无论是考虑录取候选人还是经济援助, applicants for employment or the man年龄ment of its policies and school-administered programs, 在线赌博没有性别歧视, 性取向, 年龄, 比赛, color, 国家或民族出身, 宗教, 或残疾. 在线赌博是一个平权行动,机会均等的雇主.